
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
We go very local this time – if you live in the Capital Region of New York State, you’ll know of this town. It has exploded in growth over the years, so I thought I would TAKE IT TO THE TOP and find out how it all happened and who was at least partly responsible.. Some say they deserve credit, others say they should be blamed for transforming a quiet little town into a shopping mecca.
Former county supervisor ROY MCDONALD is my guest.
The song that I wrote for Wilton’s 200th anniversary is at the end of the podcast if you’d like to scroll ahead. To be specific it starts approximately at the 33 min 40 second mark.
A song that I wrote several years ago for the town while on the air for a feature called Your Town Thursday is here

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Hey -we all procrastinate in one way or another, don't we? Apologies in advance! This one is a tad late, I will admit.
As I will explain in the podcast, every single year since 1988 I have written a song rhyming the top issues of the year. I did it in conjunction with my function (which rhymes) as a singing morning show cohost on WGNA in Albany, NY.
Well, had an inquiry on Facebook from long time listener and friend Michele Miller asking me where this year's song could be found....Uye Vey - the guilt, the guilt! So I locked myself in my home studio and came up with this, my 30th end of year song (parodying the same tune each year: "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" )
I also include the very first one I wrote in 1988, which is fun to just relive the issues of the day!
Please enjoy this podcast. There is also a video version of this on my YouTube channel- search "Richie Phillips".
Thanks, and let's hope for a better, brighter, and safer 2019.
PS - If you are looking for entertainment (DJing, Stand up comedy with a keyboard, customized songs written and performed for that special someone ) go to www.hirerichie.com . My email is Richie1077@gmail.com

Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Even if you think you HAVEN'T heard him - you actually HAVE - many many times. (You'll have to listen to find out why and how!) John Dicrosta is a phenomenal comic, voiceover artist, actor and all around great podcast guest.
If you like what you hear, you can buy his album - "MULTIPLE CHARACTER DISORDER" - available on iTunes, Amazon.com, in Walmart stores and other fine retailers...
Shoot him an email if you'd like an autographed copy - John@johndicrosta.com
If you live in New York's Capital District or surrounding area, you can see him in person on New Year's Eve at Proctors Theatre in Schenectady. Check their website for tix! www.proctors.org
FYI ....My sponsor for these podcasts is yours truly. I'd rather have it that way so I can do what I want and not have to bombard you with advertisements.
So please consider me if you are looking for music, personalized song parodies and the like for your next event - big or small.
My website is www.hirerichie.com and email is Richie1077@gmail.com
@rhyminrichie on Twitter
Rhyminrichie on Instagram

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
He's published 45 books - (not a typo) on top musical talent- mostly in the rock and hip hop genres, but this time music biographer Jake Brown turns his attention to what he feels is an underappreciated group - the songwriters behind COUNTRY music's biggest hits.
His book ( the second of a series) is called:
and you will be THOROUGHLY entertained by his incredible in-depth research into country music's songwriting community. (And you will be dazzled by his encyclopedic knowledge by listening to this interview) The book is available on Oct 15th in physical and digital formats. You can pre-order on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Nashville-Songwriter-Stories-Country-Greatest/dp/0983471681/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1539043317&sr=8-1&keywords=nashville+songwriter+ii

Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Are you planning a big ANNUAL MEETING?, WEDDING? CLAS REUNION? Can't decide where (Especially if you live "downstate" in New York? Well, I took it to THE TOP to try to find out the reasons why Saratoga Springs, NY is considered one of the best with President of DISCOVER SARATOGA, Darryl Leggieri.
Oh, and hey New Yorkers, Would you rather live upstate, or downstate? And where exactly is the dividing line? I wrote a song about that very controversy and hope to put it to rest in this episode. (Very tongue-in-cheek - just having fun here)
For more information, contact www.discoversaratoga.org
And if you are looking for conference or wedding entertainment in Saratoga or elsewhere, well this is what I do, and have been doing it for over 30 years.. I have a ton of options and testimonials for you on my website - www.hirerichie.com

Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Take a tip and listen to this episode! This one discusses the very controversial move by NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo to end the "tip credit" - the ability for restaurants to pay less of a "minimum wage" than others to servers being that they accept tips.
We open with a RHYME-A-TORIAL from yours truly, and then we will speak to noted Albany restauranteur Dominic Purnomo - co-owner of the iconic YONO's Indonesian restaurant in downtown Albany, NY (info at www.yonos.com)
He will give his thorough take on the subject, and you will come away really understanding both sides of the dilemma...
P.S. If you enjoyed the musical part, this is the kind of thing I can do for YOUR next event - perform some stand-up keyboard comedy, DJ for dance music if needed, and can include a custom-written song about someone in your organization (retiree, employees of the year, etc)
Examples and testimonials at www.hirerichie.com
There is a video of this song on my YouTube channel (forgive me-- just playing with my slideshow software) https://youtu.be/GXjtsrs3-0U

Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Time to celebrate LOCAL musicians - the folks who go out and beat the bushes day after day (correction: nite after nite)- playing and singing their hearts out - carrying the torch for the musical genre they love. In this case, we are talking about country music.
This gentleman is an old friend, and I totally respect his dedication to country music -especially the classic variety. In an odd way, I'm not sure I would have ever gotten involved with country radio had it not been for him. Take a listen and we will explain!
We talk music, songwriting, family, his new gig as frontman for the locally iconic BACK 40 BAND, and much, much more.
Although I actually should have interviewed his fantastic wife Lisa to find out how she put up with him all these many moons, I will wait on that as I now bring you my discussion with local singer, songwriter and finacial guru- MARK PIERRE.
Find out more about where he and his band will be appearing at https://www.b40band.com/

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
His debut hit "Cold Dead Hands" was number one on the country charts. Not bad for an independent artist!
I had a great discussion with him about his controversial new song and his upcoming album "It's Been Awhile".
It's definitely "been awhile" since we spoke last (Actually we've NEVER spoken before!). Check out this in depth "audio bio".
More info about him at www.DustinCollinsmusic.com aand DustinCollinsmusic on Facebook

Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
This one was a special thrill. I DEFINITELY took it to THE TOP of the country music business with this guy!
He came on our morning radio show in Albany NY years ago (he looks alot younger, and I had hair). A few years after that, we had a country music festival in Saratoga, NY, and he invited me to go onstage and accompany him while HE sang! How surreal was THAT?
I never forgot how friendly and generous he was of his time. But it didn't end there. He gave me 45 MORE minutes in between his busy schedule for this podcast.
If you know his songs, you'll love this. If you are a musician, he digs a little deeper into his process of writing, his musical influences, and keyboard technique as well.
His newest smash hit is "Fall Crazy" and you can hear it here
He also has a new TV series coming out on Fox TV - Songs from the Cellar. Watch for it!
More info at www.philvassar.com
SHAMELESS PLUG - BTW I'm going to be at the Eden Cafe on Fri, July 20 and Fri Nov 2, in an intimate piano bar setting -for a special Country Nite! (I'll be attempting some of his songs among others old and new.
Info here

Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Adam Rutledge is a dynamic country newcomer managed by superstar songwriter/performer Phil Vassar. I was lucky to get a quick chat with him. (Apologies in advance for the slightly irritating hiccups, pops and clicks due to a less than optimum phone connection. If I had my way, I would have called him and done it again, but didn't want to push my luck. I was happy to have the chance to talk to him) We discuss his debut album RUNWAY, his first single "Love Kickin' In", his interesting Phil Vassar connection, and we will check the accuracy of info posted on the interwebs about him (some turned out to be true - and some? WOW! WAYYYY of base.)
I am also chomping at the bit to speak with Phil himself. He has agreed to come on, and will let you know definitely when that happens!
You can find RUNWAY on iTunes and Spotify. His website is Adamrutledge.com
I am doing a Country Piano Bar nite at a cool little venue: the EDEN CAFE, 269 Osbourne Rd, LOUDONVILLE, NY on Fri July 20th. Will be singing some old, some new tunes and some original novelty ditties as well as brushes with country artists from my WGNA radio days. So it's a nite of singin', playin' and name droppin'. I hope you'll join me! Special guest musicians and pals Jennifer Goodwin and Paul Byrd will join me as well!
Starts at 7:30PM (dinner menu and drinks available) You can get tickets here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brushes-with-country-fame-with-piano-man-rhymin-richie-phillips-tickets-45972760765?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
PLANNING A WEDDING? CONFERENCE? PRIVATE FUNCTION? DJing and keyboard comedy at your service! http://www.hirerichie.com. On facebook @rhyminrichie

I've had tremendous luck in my career. 30 years in morning radio! I got to show my talents (sounds obnoxious to say that, but hey..I have some, and SO DOES EVERYONE in some way). Let me share YOURS! Doesn't HAVE to be musical. You could be famous, trying to be famous, or maybe was at one time. If you are from our area (NY's Capital Region) or coming here, that is what I am focusing on! Please subscribe and leave me a comment or suggestion!