
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
A SWEET discussion with "Sweet Baby James" Tribute artist Bill GREISE. He resides in Nashville but has become nationally recognized as a top James Taylor tribute artist. Copyright restrictions prevent me from playing any of the songs here, but you can see and hear samples below.
He is appearing here in the Capital Region of Upstate NY at the Cohoes Music Hall on April 5th Check here for tix!
Video: https://youtu.be/Q0MwK8rx0qY
Audience Reviews: https://sweetbabyjamesofficial.com/reviews
[Booking: https://sweetbabyjamesofficial.com/book]
Also included in the podcast is a song I wrote rhyming all of the pill commercials you see on TV . PILLSONG ©2024 Richie Phillips. All Rights Reserved
Want me to write a musical tribute for someone's special occasion? Go to my website and order a "Pick-Me-Up Parody"
#toptalentrichie #tributeartistsalbanyny#sweetbabyjames #jamestaylortribute #jamestaylor #sbj #jt #walkingman #billgriese #tributeshows #tribute #tributeshow #cohoesny #cohoesmusichall #albany #albanyny #albanyevents

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
It doesn’t take brain surgery to figure out who she’s related to! Correct! She is the daughter country legends George Jones and Tammy Wynette. She was also show consultant on the heart wrenching bio pic “George and Tammy” .
Georgette is appearing in Glens Falls, New York at the wood theater for an “Up Close and Personal “ Performance on Sunday, October 29 at 3 PM. Tickets are still available at this writing at www.woodtheater.org.
we talk about her parents’ and her music, the making of the bio pic and much more.. She also speaks her mind and minces no words about how country music has become almost unrecognizable……at the conclusion I have included a slightly snarky musical commentary I wrote about “bro country” song lyrics that I penned one day on while on the air…. ENJOY!
EMAIL Richie1077@gmail.com

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Think you or somebody you know has an amazing talent? The "IT" factor? Well here's your chance to shine. INTERNATIONAL TALENT SHOWCASE is here in ALBANY ON TUES OCTOBER 17TH AT THE DESMOND HOTEL IN ALBANY! Founder SHARON MCCARTHY is my guest, and will give you all the information in case you are wondering what they are looking for. You can be 4 years old, and you can be 80ish They take anyone in between!
Take a listen! I also am debuting a new song that rhymes all the annoying pill commercials you see on TV. It's at the end of the episode.
My website btw is www.hirerichie.com for all your musical needs for your next event
(Need a song written for that special someone? I can do that! Samples on my site ...

Saturday Oct 07, 2023
Saturday Oct 07, 2023
Fun, informative interview with the incredibly TALENTED NANCY HAYS - Actor, "Come Dance With Me" singer-songwriter, international line dance hitmaker and much much more. Ready to appear as of this writing at the the Wood Theatre in Glens Falls for an incredible tribute (with her daughter Mary Hefferman) to Judy Garland and Lisa Minelli's 1964 London Palladium show. That is happening on 10/22. The evening before she is at Glens Falls Stomp, Temple Beth El Marion Ave, Glens Falls with a 7PM Line Dance Show!
To see clips of this upcoming show go to www.judylizatribute.com
Or go to Soundcloud.com under Nancy Hays and look for Dean Richards interview to hear more of her singing.
Looking for entertainment for your next meeting or private event? Piano bar sing-a-long nites, song parody show ( I can write you a custom song for that special someone) and more at. www.hirerichie.com

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Fascinating talk with the man who's the BACKBEAT of this EMMY AWARD-WINNING Beatle tribute band- THE FAB FOUR. He is multi-instrumentalist Erik Fidel. We talk influences, how he prepares (musically and visually) for the gigs, how he learned to play a right handed kit left handed (Like the master does), and much much more. If you've never seen them live, you are missing a masterful recreation of the greatest rock group in history..
The Fab Four at the time of this writing scheduled to play here in Albany NY at THE EGG. There may still be tix... Here's the link events
Get more info about this FAB group at www.thefabfour.com
Need music (live and/or recorded) for your next function? How bout a personalized song written just for that special someone? Check out www.hirerichie.com

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Great, fun conversation with an icon from perhaps the most prolific and productive era in country music..the 90’s…singer songwriter Billy Dean .
Billy Dean is a multi award-winning country, singer songwriter.
We delve into his career, his new projects, and most importantly..why everyone in his family is either named Billy or Dean or any combination! Www.Billydean.com for more info
My website to book a gig and hear current and past parodies

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
REPEAT EPISODE - THIS EPISODE ORIGINALLY AIRED SEVERAL YEARS AGO, BUT WAS ERASED ACCIDENTALLY. I AM REPOSTING IT This incredibly talented high school student not only is a skilled pianist, but also composes and ARRANGES as well. Her mother, Anne, entered her into a national talent contest on PBS organized by famed child prodigy ETHAN BORTNICK. And yes...SHE’S A FINALIST!!! After listening to this interview, I’m sure you’re going to want to cast your vote to “take her to THE TOP” so she can perform in Los Angeles with Ethan! There’s some stiff competition, so please head on over to www.celebtationofmusic.com Go to CONTESTANTS and head to the TROY page. You will see her name, photo, and sample of her performance on a recent local PBS telecast. Best of luck, Caroline! SHAMELESS PLUG For all your private party, wedding and conference entertainment needs, please go to www.hirerichie.com

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
ENCORE EPISODE... Originally aired in 2019 but was accidentally erased.
A fun 45 minute chat with old friend and TOP TALENT- musician, songwriter, and arranger EDDIE KILLGALLON. We talk music, songwriting, how he made the move from the Albany area to Nashville way back when, how “timing and preparation” helped, how George Strait propelled a song he co-wrote to the number one spot on the Country charts, his role with EDDIE MONTGOMERY OF MONTGOMERY GENTRY in light of the terrible tragedy claiming the life of Troy Gentry, and tons more. He also gave me the EXCLUSIVE on a brand new song that I’m going to play a portion of. Not to be missed. Very very timely with a vitally important message ..

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Yes..that happened… An unbelievable opportunity to speak with a country music icon…Multi-Award winning singer and actor Randy Travis and his amazing wife Mary who has become, due to his unfortunate stroke several years ago, , his defacto spokesperson..and what an amazing job she does…
They make it work, and with great humor besides. There is a backstory to getting this chance to chat with them, and it’s briefly explained at the beginning.
To give you an idea….I and several others had the once in a lifetime opportunity to sing his own hits right there with him on the stage! I will never forget that, and will never forget this super special episode… they were so down to earth that by the end of my working with them, I wanted to invite them for dinner! Lol
He is also on this episode along with coordinator Cheryl Howe who did so much behind the scenes work with these shows at the Charles R Woods Theatre in Glens Falls and the Colonial Theatre in Laconia NH.. Absent here was Mark Petrie who also did amazing work on these gigs!

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Part 1 of a 2 Part Podcast on our experiences performing in association with the UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL RANDY TRAVIS SHOW here in Glens Falls NY and Laconia New Hampshire-8/26-27,2023 - part of Kevin Richards Productions. Mark and I were "warm up acts" and the duo of Martin and Kelly are best described as "Co- Headliners" along with the legend himself!
More infö at MartinandKellymusic.com and same on socials.
Mark Pierre on FB
Let me write and record a special song for your special someone ! PICK-ME-UP PARODY INFO AT
RhyminRichie on Socials

I've had tremendous luck in my career. 30 years in morning radio! I got to show my talents (sounds obnoxious to say that, but hey..I have some, and SO DOES EVERYONE in some way). Let me share YOURS! Doesn't HAVE to be musical. You could be famous, trying to be famous, or maybe was at one time. If you are from our area (NY's Capital Region) or coming here, that is what I am focusing on! Please subscribe and leave me a comment or suggestion!