
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
On this episode - Let's call it TOP GRIPE - Very upset over the closing in our area of my favorite chain store, SEARS. Hard to believe it's gone. And of course that got the mind wandering to the days of my parents' "mom and pop" store on Eastern Long Island in the town of Mattituck. That one closed YEARS ago.... so I have a few anecdotes about that.
My song, "Goodbye Sears" is also a video (as I mess with my homemade green screen studio). Would love you to check that out as well on YouTube
Looking for entertainment for your next event? Conference? Business function? Retirement party? Wedding? Email me! Richie1077@gmail.com or check out my website at www.hirerichie.com I have tons of samples and testimonials.
Other contact info:

Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
On this episode I have written a Song for Saratoga based on information given to me by fellow Facebook folk. Thanks for playing along!
Also, guest Stuart Armstrong has studied the famed Saratoga Lakehouses of the 1920s-50's. These were old nigh tclubs that featured some famous entertainers like Bing Crosby, Desi Arnaz and the like. Interesting history of these places that pursued gambling and copious liquor consumption despite the strict laws of the time.

Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
This podcast features "Top Tech" - how it can be incredibly helpful (especially to people with special circumstances) but also we touch on the problems it causes - especially in my case. So much so that I wrote a song about my attempt to rig up a "smart home".
"NOT SO SMART HOME" SONG - words and music ©2018 Richie Phillips All Rights Reserved
Come see Loreal Lavigna sing with Kyle Bourgault Band 8/11 at Brunswick Elks
John me at Wheatfields Pub Clifton Park Fri June 8th 6-9pm at the piano in the bar
Also doing a little Keyboard Comedy for - BISTRO NITE A get-together for wedding and business professionals - May 22nd 6PM at Birch Hill Catering off i-90 in Castleton. Also featuring comedian Greg Aidala and author Lorraine Toth.
But THAT’S NOT ALL! Eden Cafe 269 Osbourne Rd Loudonville Fri July 20 7:30-9:30pm
“Brushes with Country Fame” Nite with stories of country stars I’ve met and the songs that made them famous.
I’m ALWAYS looking for a booking! If you are planning an event, check out www.hirerichie.com for ideas, testimonials and samples.

Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
A fun. Many times emotional interview with veteran chief meteorologist Steve Caporizzo from News 10 ABC in Albany, NY. (The emotional part comes when he talks about his passion for pets and the abuse he has witnessed). He also gives a fantastic explanation for the flukey weather we have experienced in the northeast this past winter. You “science geeks” will love it!
A fantastic guy on and off camera, and a longtime friend that I was thrilled to have on.
This is my longest podcast to date, but we were so happy to be able to talk freely without the confines of conventional broadcast time constraints, and I think you’ll get to know him even better because of it!

Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
My first "2 parter".
Geovanny Santamaria is an amazing educator and Latin band frontman from NY. We talk about teaching, we play clips from his incredible band GENERACION SIN ROSTRO, and much more. Great guy-fun interview.
Check out their website at http://www.gsrband.org/#about
WE'RE GROWING! I finally hired a TOP "woman on the street" reporter! (Well, "hired" is a strong word) Actually, we have friends, Janet and Lou Manuta, who moved to Seattle recently. And with recent news of the opening of AMAZON GO - a grocery store with no checkout line (cuz they gots no checkout at all!), I thought it would be cool to find out more about it, so Janet kindly volunteered to take a ride and become our eyes and ears.

Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Interview with BLUE FRIDAY OF NY President PAT FOX, who will run down all of the upcoming charity events. BLUE FRIDAY is an organization in it’s 14th year-established to raise money to help families of police officers killed in the line of duty in upstate New York.
Related websites:
Blue Friday of NY website: www.bluefridayny.org
Officer Down Webpage: odmp.org

Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
This podcast's purpose is to reinforce the point that when an artist is branded as LOCAL, it shouldn't equate with the term "AMATEURISH". This very talented rock band and brilliant solo artist from the Albany NY area I present as exhibit A and B.-
As of this writing they are two of the acts on stage for the upcoming CAPITAL RECORDS SALUTES THE BEATLES nite on March 23rd at Proctors Theatre in Schenectady.
I talk to them both about the influence the Beatles' music has had on their lives (plus they both get a pop quiz to see how well they know the Fab 4!).. oh, and also I explain MUSICALLY what the Beatles meant to me, for better or worse.
@girlbluemusic on twitter
Oh, and my website for parody show performances, weddings, anniversaries and retirements www.hirerichie.com

Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
You've always heard your mother say it's important to make a good impression. I guess this guy listened very well, because he's incredible at it! I'm talking about comic impressionist Steve Van Zandt from the Albany, NY area (no, NOT the guy from the Sopranos, although spelled the same way. I bet he could nail that impression as well!) I had a blast talking and reminiscing with Steve. Whether you are from the area or not, you will love this episode. We have a few local references, but nothing that will throw you off! Steve's website, btw is www.stevevanzandt.com. He's got a phenomenal new business idea brewing that we all should keep tabs on. It's a KILLER concept. He mentions it toward the end of the podcast. Other things we cover include:
His method of learning a voice
The impression he never gets tired of doing,
What it would be like if Jimmy Stewart was a track announcer at Saratoga (whoops - local reference-- you see, that's a place in our area that has horses and people bet on them to see how fast they can run in a circle)
… PLUS if you act NOW, you'll get a hysterical sampling of other dead on voice characterizations ( and that includes POTUS, OF COURSE!) I hope you enjoy this, and if so, please share so we can grow this little show together. By all means, SUBSCRIBE as well so you will get a heads up when new episodes publish.
My website, by the way if you are interested in entertainment for your next function (DJing, live keyboards for cocktail hour, a stand-up song parody routine, customized song for somerone in the audience.... your choice) is www.hirerichie.com . Note: I have decided to get this to a point where I'm doing it every OTHER week. Being that I am a staff of one, It will give me a chance to get more guests, promote the episodes more, have more time to write a topical song of the week, and basically give you a break from me bugging you constantly to tune in! Hope that works for you!
See you next time as I keep trying and never stop until I ........TAKE IT TO THE TOP!

Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
In this last episode in a three part series, we examine the major components of a wedding reception, your questions, and tips from those with years of experience in the biz.
My guest for Part 3 is Scott E Hemming, owner of one of THE TOP DJ companies in Upstate NY -SEH Entertainment. We dig deep into the subject of music for your wedding, and some of the mistakes some could make in their choices..
We also review for you the usual order of events at a reception for those who are unsure.
Great information with a few laughs thrown in!
P.S. For those who live in the local NY area and looking for a DJ, You can check out all of the DJ profiles, see testimonials (mine included!) right on his website-www.sehentertainment.com

Monday Feb 12, 2018
Monday Feb 12, 2018
This is PART 2 in a series where we get to review in great detail what to consider when planning your special day. Special Guest: Harvey Vlahos of the beautiful Altamont Manor.
Included topics:
Interviewing and selecting a photographer
Plan B - What happens if it rains - not just the ceremony but your once in a lifetime photos? Caters and much more. For information -www.altamontmanor.com
website is http://www.hirerichie.com
Richie's Facebook page is @richiephillips
Email address Richie1077@gmail.com

I've had tremendous luck in my career. 30 years in morning radio! I got to show my talents (sounds obnoxious to say that, but hey..I have some, and SO DOES EVERYONE in some way). Let me share YOURS! Doesn't HAVE to be musical. You could be famous, trying to be famous, or maybe was at one time. If you are from our area (NY's Capital Region) or coming here, that is what I am focusing on! Please subscribe and leave me a comment or suggestion!