
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Not often do I get to interview an INTERVIEWER,EMMY AWARD-WINNING newscaster, journalist and author JOHN GRAY.
John is a veteran news anchor here in Albany NY on NEWS 10 ABC. When he's not covering the pressing events of the day, he's burning the midnite oil writing newspaper columns and books!
His Book CHASING CHRISTMAS in fact has been picked up to become a made for TV movie in fact.
All his books are available on Amazon.
And in his spare time (lol) he does charity work and works with his wife Courtney working with organizations to rescue (and sometimes adopt as their own) stray animals. Both are my guests actually on the podcast.
(I also surprised him with a song rhyming his resume--)
Please enjoy this episode!

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Interesting discussion with another traveling tribute troubadour…His name is JOHN COZOLINO, and he fronts a BILLY JOEL tribute band called THE RIVER OF DREAMS TRIBUTE SHOW. He is coming to our Capital Region area on April 1st, 2022. You most certainly will be hearing this later…Big shoes to fill..or to pay tribute to.. to say the least.
What is his background? How did he learn all of those incredible piano riffs? And more importantly, does he have the same amount of motorcycles? (Joke).
Copyright restrictions prevent me from playing any clips, but you can get his schedule and hear them on YouTube or at https://www.riverofdreamstribute.com › ...SHOWS | River of Dreams Billy Joel Tribute

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Talk about a PROJECT! How would you like to be in charge of recreating the iconic sound of superstar singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell? Well , Singer, Songwriter KATIE PEARLMAN took on the challenge and the results are pretty darn impressive. the JONI PROJECT is coming to Cohoes Music Hall here in the Albany area on April 2nd, and if you are getting to this after the fact, she will also be at Daryl’s House in Pawling, NY, the Great South Bay Festival in Patchogue NY and other gigs!
On facebook thejoniproject
More info at Katiepearlman.com
. You can hear examples of THE JONI PROJECT work here
and Katie’s own albums as well as her music from her duo THE BLESSED UNREST are available on Apple Music, Spotify and other streaming services.
My website? Glad you asked! www.rhyminrichie.com. Parodies, testimonials and gig info for weddings and private parties…

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
This is my talk with L.I. husband and wife team Barbara and Ken Oranskywho pooled their TOP TALENTS and started their own INTERNET RADIO STATION- called NY TALENT MEDIA. Wow! What a task to take on.... You have to give them credit! They actually have 4 different genres that you can listen to!
We find out how they did all this, what their mission is, and how YOU as an independent struggling musician can FINALLY get your music heard in a format that really supports talent looking to get valuable exposure!
(I also threw in a little musical commentary at the end on a subject that I'm sure bugs you as much as Barbara, Ken and I --ANNOYING TELEMARKETER CALLS !
Their website is www.nytalentmedia.com to learn how you can submit your music .
Mine is www.rhyminrichie.com
ENJOY, and please leave me a comment and subscribe!! I appreciate it!!!

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Stop what you are doing! Would you like to hear a piano virtuoso? What if I told you he was only going into the 9th grade as of this writing? His name is PAUL BRAULT, and in my endless quest to find and raise awareness of talent young and old either living or coming to Albany, NY's Capital Region, well- I happened to be in the right place at the right time - a piano store! It was in www.hiltonpianocenter.com where I heard this amazing talent do his thing..
I won't blab on here - details are in this episode. He also has a YouTube channel if you want to hear more.
Thanks to his dad, Bernard for bringing him in! My first impression is that you could tell by meeting him that he (and I'm sure his mom and the rest of the family) are REALLY in Paul's corner musically which is so great to see.
OK - on with this episode. And if you want to see an entire 18 minute performance, check out his Facebook Live show that he did from this piano store... https://www.facebook.com/1352726092/videos/2878143842437136/
Do you have someone with incredible talent? Send me something! He/she/they could be the next guest!
richie1077@gmail.com. or like me on FaceBook @richiephillips
@rhyminrichie on Instagram and Twitter

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
This was a particular thrill for me, having been interviewed on Bob Cudmore's hugely successful nite time radio show back in the early 80's on AM powerhouse, WGY radio in Schenectady, NY. (there's audio to prove it, as you will discover by listening.) So I figured -what better way to bring full closure, and shake things up in my gastrointestinal tract at the same time than to nervously attempt to interview the master!
Bob is a legendary columnist, author and broadcaster-turned-podcaster.. His interesting show, the HISTORIANS can be found at www.bobcudmore.com or on SOUNDCLOUD.com.
If you are a radio groupie as I am and remember hearing him back then, you will enjoy this talk. We discuss radio, some of his famous guests, his beginnings, college days and much more .
My website BTW is www.hirerichie.com
I'm on Facebook @richiephillips
Join my FB LIVE PIANO BARFLIES and it will let you know when the next live piano bar nite will take place. I play your favs, and also include some home made parody songs too...
(I wish my mom were here to hear this - she loved listening to Bob and nite time radio shows)

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
We continue the conversation and former cast members of the Sean and Richie morning show pop in to reminisce.
The morning show (mullti-award winning, I might add) was on WGNA radio in Albany NY from 1999-2016.
Please refer to part one's show notes for more detail.

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
This episode is very very different in SO many ways. For one, it's become a 2 parter, because once we got going there was no stopping.
For the uninitiated, Sean was my partner for 17 years on radio station WGNA in Albany, NY, between 1999 and 2016. We were the SEAN AND RICHIE SHOW, and pretty much a #1 rated morning show for all that time -even winning a national CMA award!
Sean was in the "big chair", and I was cohost, sidekick, or however you want to categorize it.
But we had a big ensemble cast of characters along the way (back in radio's heyday when the business could afford such a thing), so my idea was to interview Sean and have these folks pop in as surprise guests.
If I listed all the things that went wrong here, your eyes would start to bleed from strain, so I will spare you. But through the magic of editing, I think I got it under control.
Here is part 1 - ENJOY! (which you DEFINITELY will if you were a listener, and I hope my explanations throughout are enough for if you were not... )

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
A quote from Apple Music best describes my next podcast guest
"Playing modern country music with an undercurrent of rock and roll energy and a commitment to entertaining the crowd"
His talent and business savvy has really propelled him as a singer songwriter in Nashville. He's written a number one hit for Randy Houser, co-written songs for Hootie and the Blowfish and others, and has several smash hits of his own - including the current hit. "Try Saying Goodbye",received an ASCAP Songwriting Award (no small accomplishment) and his song "Tonite Tonite" was the theme for NBC's Thurs Nite Football!
I had the privilege of meeting him back in the days during my co-hosting duties on the SEAN AND RICHIE SHOW on WGNA radio here in Albany NY . He let me accompany him on piano live on the air, and it's one of my best memories. I was very lucky to snag him for this podcast during the downtime he's experiencing along with the rest of us.
What keeps him busy? What was it like playing in those bars in Nashville waiting to be discovered? Who threw $100 in his tip cup one nite not knowing that it was a big country star who did it? How did he end up being represented by Reba's management company? These and more cool stories on this episode of TOP TALENT.
His website is www.johnkingcountry.com. His music is available on all streaming platforms and through his website . He's also on Facebook and Instagram at John King
Want to be part of a FACEBOOK LIVE PIANO BAR? Songs, parodies, trivia and more? Join my group--- RICHIE'S FB LIVE PIANO BARFLIES.... Will keep you posted on the next one!!
My website is www.hirerichie.com
I'm on Facebook @richiephillips and @rhyminrichiephillips
I'm on Twitter @rhyminrichie

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
I absolutely LOVE having her on. Amazing talent--a super nice, humble and appreciative person. We're lucky to have her here in the Capital Region of Upstate New York (although with her talent, she might not be here for too long! )
We talk music, the challenges of the business, and she debuts a new song that is DYNAMITE, and really personal - titled "18". It's available on all the streaming platforms and she also has a lyric video on YouTube -- link here https://youtu.be/l7tpFn9WLWc
We also surprised her with her number one fan....
I think you'll really enjoy this one...
Thanks to her manager Adrian for helping me set this all up..
My Facebook page is @richiephillips
My email is Richie1077@gmail.com - if you would like to be on my mailing list to remind you of future podcasts, please shoot me yours!

I've had tremendous luck in my career. 30 years in morning radio! I got to show my talents (sounds obnoxious to say that, but hey..I have some, and SO DOES EVERYONE in some way). Let me share YOURS! Doesn't HAVE to be musical. You could be famous, trying to be famous, or maybe was at one time. If you are from our area (NY's Capital Region) or coming here, that is what I am focusing on! Please subscribe and leave me a comment or suggestion!