
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
In this episode I pay tribute to a TOP TALENTed Tribute Artist -Pennsylvania native Doug Delescavage - of the PHILADELPHIA FREEDOM TRIBUTE BAND . I happened to catch their act here in July 2023 at the Mohawk Harbor, part of the River Casino complex in Schenectady NY. Don't miss them if they come your way in the future! Wow!
Here we discuss his impressive training, he talks about his day job --, I try (and fail miserably) to stump him with Elton Trivia questions, and you even get a free mini piano lesson here for all you folks just starting out .
His website if you'd like to hear clips and see his stage setup is www.philadelphiafreedomtribute.com.

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
A little sidestep from my normal musical topics--I wanted to explore talent in another medium- PHOTOGRAPHY. I happened to see this man's work on Facebook where he expertly colorizes old photographs from downtown Troy way back when. A must see!
John Bulmer is my guest. We talk tips, tricks, artificial intelligence, the death of the digital camera (or maybe not) and other topics .
Check out JohnBulmerPhotography on Facebook to see his incredible work.
At the end of this, I am debuting a song where I dip my toe into the world of A.I. myself. I had Chat CPT write the lyrics to a song explaining" how much I love playing my piano".
I put music to it and produced it with harmonies etc just for "you know whats and giggles". It's toward the end of the episode.
Hey--speaking of that--looking for a piano? Digital? Acoustic? Hybrid?. I know just the place..... HILTON PIANO CENTER, COLONIE CENTER ALBANY. Check out his website at www.hiltonpianocenter.com or Bob@hiltonpianocenter.com .

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
We continue with my series of Top Talented Tribute Artists. This time Scott Townshend, aka THIRSTY BURLINGTON as Cher!!! We discuss not only the process of transforming into this icon onstage, but also the trials and tribulations of growing up, gender identity, and we also should mention that Thirsty has a movie---aptly entitled THIRSTY - available on Tubi TV, Hulu and other services. I happened to see it myself and it is powerful to say the least.
Thirsty is appearing at the Charles Woods Theatre in Glens Falls on 4/15/23. I hear there are a handful of tix left!!! Call the box office or go to Kevin Richards.com for this and all his upcoming shows - including Randy Travis on 8/26...I will be one of the opening acts!!
Here is a clip if you would like to see a"Cher" performance
Planning a wedding, private party, retirement party, anniversary party, corporate event? Live and recorded music is available from yours truly.
SPECIAL OFFER! BOOK A 3 OR 4 HOUR PARTY BETWEEN NOW AND SEPTEMBER FIRST 2023--and I will write and perform a song parody about that special someone at your event. You also get a recorded copy of the song. (THE PARTY CAN BE ANYTIME, BUT YOU HAVE TO BOOK IT BETWEN NOW AND SEPTEMBER)
For testimonials and other information - www.hirerichie.com - all my contact info is on there.
Enjoy the podcast!!

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Another in my series of Tribute Acts episodes. This time we feature two TOP TALENTS.. Jenna Sue and Bill McGrath, two Albany area musicians taking on the persona of the great Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash for their final performance of their TRIBUTE SHOW SAT. APRIL 8 at the LITTLE VEGAS WEDDING CHAPEL AND THEATRE in ROTTERDAM NY. Call 518-419-1334 for reservations.
FYI.. I’ve also done Billy Joel and Joni Mitchell Tribute Act interviews. Links below..

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
"Why did you climb that mountain? Because it was there". You've heard the saying. Well, this was a real stretch on my part. To try to put music to someone else's lyrics. Especially if it's a computer's! This was very bizarre, but I would love you to listen. Plus a discussion (with myself) over the pros and cons of this new transformational technology.
Try ChatGPT for yourself. Right now it's free.. chat.openai.com
Want me to write you a personalized song?
It's called the PICK-ME-UP PARODY
Great for retirement parties, employee recognition nites, anniversaries, birthdays and more.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
This was a special thrill and honor to have this gentleman on here. You know him from the number one country hits "I Don't Have To Be Me Til Monday", and "Sunshine" plus many others. Time to catch up with this TOP TALENT to find out what he's doing down in Mississippi - you may be surprised to learn that he now is the author of the Mississippi state song- plus lots of other cool goings-on.
His newest album is MISSISSIPPI REUNION, but there are many others to choose from. He hosts a huge podcast called "IN A MISSISSIPPI MINUTE" which is also repeated on talk radio shows throughout his state (in fact, he asked ME to be a guest on his!
But I digress. Hope you enjoy this one... I certainly did.
www.steveazar.com for more on this TOP TALENT
My website btw is www.hirerichie.com.
Thanks for listening, and thanks for the questions that were submitted!

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Is it possible that there is a choir group that you can join with no experience and no need to even audition? Yes! It’s called ROCK VOICES! Plus you get to sing awesome music… Nate Altimari is my TOP TALENTED guest-Director of the Capital Region chapter.
This is such a great community service. I think you’ll enjoy the conversation..
If you’d like more information about the group.. Nate@rockvoices.com
BTW.. At the end of this podcast I also include a little ditty that was written 20 years ago… It’s called Dog Shampoo…TRUE STORY! And I did this live on the air as part of my crazy job on WGNA ALBANY as part of the SEAN AND RICHIE show. Just a little bit of nostalgia….
My website btw is http://www.hirerichie.com. There’s old show photos, shots with some of the artists I had the pleasure of meeting and services I can provide for your next event …plus testimonials…… See ya next time…

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Mark Pierre has always had at least one foot firmly planted in the country music genre for all the years I've known him (we used to be neighbors!) . Successful Investment adviser by day/ country singer and songwriter by nite! He has played for countless audiences in our area here in Upstate NY.
Mark has been chosen by show producer Kevin Richards, along with talented singer Jenna Sue and yours truly to perform at the "UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL RANDY TRAVIS SHOW" here at the Charles Woods Theatre in Glens Falls on 9/11/22. We are performing Randy's hits right in front of the man himself, as he is unable to for medical reasons. You are probably listening to this after the fact, but I wanted to have a talk with him as I have already done with Jenna and Kevin. (those episodes are right below this one) .
We talk Randy, music in general, and a very interesting story how he actually pounded the pavement himself in Nashville and got VERY CLOSE to having one of his songs released.!

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Jenna Sue is one of the artists, along with Mark Pierre and yours truly performing at a show we are doing honoring the great Randy Travis here in Glens Falls New York on 9/11. This was recorded right after a practice for our version of “I Told You So”…

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
My talk with Capital Region country radio legend KEVIN RICHARDS and his new venture …an UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL concert with RANDY TRAVIS and other famous 80’s and 90’s country artists to be named. I also have an exciting role in this show… playing and his hits right in front of him! Gulp….

I've had tremendous luck in my career. 30 years in morning radio! I got to show my talents (sounds obnoxious to say that, but hey..I have some, and SO DOES EVERYONE in some way). Let me share YOURS! Doesn't HAVE to be musical. You could be famous, trying to be famous, or maybe was at one time. If you are from our area (NY's Capital Region) or coming here, that is what I am focusing on! Please subscribe and leave me a comment or suggestion!